Volume v

A comparative study between task-oriented interval training versus circuit training on uneven surface for improving functional balance & gait parameters in stroke rehabilitation by Neelam Nimawat, Garima

Comparative study on effectiveness of swiss ball Vs Frenkel’s exercise to improve balance and mobility in Parkinson patients, by Navjyoti Gupta1 MPT Neurology , Ritika Purbia

A study to evaluate effectiveness of IASTM and planter fascia stretching versus hot packs and planter fascia stretching in patients with chronic heel pain, Kartik Sukhwal1 MPT sports, Chetan

Comparison between effectiveness of Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation versus ballistic stretching for improving gait endurance in stroke by Dr. Neelam Nimawat, Dhruvi Singh Deora

Comparative study between the effectiveness of MFR versus stretching with home-based strengthening exercise program in non-specific low back pain for COVID-19 warriors by Dr. Kartik Sukhwal1 MPT Sports, Garima Bhati Musculoskeletal

A comparative study between effectiveness of 6-minute walk test versus 6-minute walk on treadmill to improve breathing in non-specified asthmatic patients by Mahendra Kumar Verma1 MPT Cardio Assistant Professor, Isharat

A comparative study to evaluate effectiveness of movement with mobilization versus KIASTM and dynamic exercises programme in diabetic chronic frozen shoulder by Kartik Sukhwal1 MPT Sports Assistant Professor, Nilesh Nangar

A comparative study between effectiveness of kinesio taping versus IASTM in patellofemoral pain in long distance cyclers by Sumeeta Khaund, Shaibaj

To compare the effect of Bowen technique versus positional release technique on trapezius muscle in trapezitis by Sunil

A comparative study between effectiveness of interval training versus circuit training of aerobic exercise program for improving endurance capacity and quality of life for patients with non-specific pulmonary disorder by Dr. Sumeeta Khaund, Vaishali Sinha



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